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     Cafe Refrescante is one of two operating locations: one in Antigua and one in Guatemala City. It is a place where people can come in, have free coffee, play games, and hear of the love of Christ. We sit and listen to their stories, encourage and pray for them. We spend time going over what is lawful and what is not. We host regular Bible studies and have plans on a Bible school.


     The mission of Cafe Refrescante is to see those living on the streets, and/or struggling with addiction, to be freed from this lifestyle and find themselves in a position of being self-sustainable. 


     We work with all ages. If we see that children are being neglected or abused, there are various childrens homes we can take them to. If those that struggle with substance abuse desire change, we have multiple rehabs that we can take them to and pay for. If they have medical needs, we accompany them to the hospital and help pay for various bills and medicine. If there is need for phycological help, we can provide them with a specialist on-site.


     Upon completing their time in rehab, they may be given a chance to live at our halfway home that is a part of the cafe. This keeps them accountable from slipping into addiction. We have various jobs here and there that they can receive pay. The larger vision is to have a business to provide them work. If they need papers, like a DPI, we help them get them.


     For certain individuals, they are given the opportunity to further their academic studies, whether it be reading and writing, or learning English. This may transpire into a more formal school for communities without sufficient resources.


     Our heart is to raise up leaders from within the ministry and see them take ownership. We are discipling the disciple makers. We have seen that those that were once living on the streets can have the most impact and strongest testimony. We want to choose those suitable to discipling others. We have taken on individuals to work with us at the cafe and "paid" them through points (equivalent to minimum wage). The points are redeemable for housing/food and is a way to keep accountability from substance abuse. This is a chance to disciple a couple of people at a time. It has also given us an idea of whether or not we should put them through a Bible school to further their relationship with God. After they've completed schooling, they have been given the opportunity to join staff. 

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